Building and preserving wealth together.


Guaranteed Rates
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Effective Thu Nov 14, 2024
1 Year Cashable (GIC, RSP, RIF & TFSA eligible)
After 30 days After 60 days After 90 days After 120 days After 180 days
0.250% 0.250% 0.600% 0.600% 0.600%
Daily *
Advantage Account Business Advantage Account Tax-Free Savings Advantage Account Registered Advantage Account US $
2.150% 2.000% 1.250% 1.250% 0.200%
30 - 59 days 60 - 89 days 90 - 119 days 120 - 179 days 180 - 269 days 270 - 364 days
3.510% 3.410% 3.560% 3.560% 3.560% 3.560%
Guaranteed Interest Certificate (GIC)
1 Year 18 months 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year
3.870% 3.500% 3.750% 3.750% 3.520% 3.700%
6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 15 Year
3.400% 3.450% 3.500% 3.700% 3.950% 3.850%
Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF) & Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP)
1 Year 18 months 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year
3.870% 3.450% 3.750% 3.750% 3.520% 3.700%
6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 15 Year
3.400% 3.450% 3.500% 3.700% 3.850% 3.850%
  • Effective date and interest rate will be the date funds are deposited with the Financial Institution.
  • For amounts greater than $500,000 or for more information, please contact us at 1.800.561.1177;
  • Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC) protects eligible deposits held at each member institution up to a maximum $100,000 per separate insured category (i.e. NonReg/Open + TFSA + RSP + RIF = up to $400,000);
  • Credit Union Deposit Insurance Corporation (CUDIC) insures eligible Canadian $ deposits at member institutions (unlimited amounts for BC Credit Unions)
  • Posted rates are annual unless otherwise stated;
  • All rates and minimum deposits are subject to change without notice;
  • Annual, semi-annual and monthly interest available for non-registered only;
  • RSP, RIF and non-registered GICs are not redeemable before maturity except upon death. Tax Free GICs are redeemable before maturity in full only (not partially) and are subject to market value adjustment and expense recovery fees; and
  • * Daily Terms -- Interest is calculated daily on the total daily balance and paid monthly. For Registered plans, withholding taxes may apply if funds are moved to a non-registered account &/or withdrawn.